What We Do

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Our works are categorized into five activity pillars. Each one plays its own role to support our mission from different angles.

Reviv repair & alteration service

Reviv provide online repair & alteration services every month during the Repair Week. The goal here is to improve society’s access to repair services, especially for those who do not have or know local repair shops nearby. We work with seamstresses from marginalized communities who benefit from fair additional income. They are trained by Reviv Community’s fashion designers to ensure that we will deliver top-notched services. 

Reviv products

Reviv’s products are designed by our community’s designers in collaboration with our seamstresses. Through our products, we want to be able to educate people about waste issues while supporting the marginalized community we work with. The key concept is that the main material component has to be used, surplus, or low-impact materials. This is because we want to sell products that are a part of the solutions, not problems. 

Collaboration projects

With our resources and skills, Reviv collborates with businesses and non-profit organizations on projects that promote product reuse/repair and on projects that vocalize sustainability issues. Similar to our product concept, the main condition of our collaboration is that we mainly utilize used, surplus, or low-impact materials.

Repair community building

To amplify our impact, we want to nourish the repair community in Thailand. The scope will go beyond clothing repair to cover other product categories. We will support existing repair services, both formal and informal businesses, by connecting them with consumers. We also aim to establish a consumer-led local initiative that supports product repair in different areas. We are currently developing an execution plan and prototype for this activity pillar. Stay tuned for more updates.

Knowledge & content development

We believe that society’s perception and awareness is key to systematic transformation. The goal of this activity pillar is to boost public knowledge and raise consumer awareness by publishing content related to product reuse and repair. Ultimately, we want to contribute to policy development for the repair economy. We are currently designing our first knowledge creation project. Stay tuned for more updates.